The School of Law,  Shanghai Maritime University has the second-level discipline doctoral degrees for Shipping Management and Law, first-level discipline for Master of Laws (LLM) and Juris Master(J.M). The master’s degree consists of International Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Economic Law, Criminal Law, Litigation Law, Environmental and Resource Protection Law. The doctoral degree for Shipping Management and Law, set up in 2011, is a second-level discipline doctoral degree under the first-level discipline of Management Science and Engineering. Graduates actively participate in social practices and summer internships, and various international and domestic major academic conferences, whose excellent achievements have been greeted with approval.

Picture 1:Visiting the “Xue Long” Scientific Investigation Ship at Pole

Picture 2:Visiting the China Maritime Museum

Picture 3,4,5:PhD candidates presenting papers at various academic conferences

Picture 6,7:Summer interns at Courts and Procuratorates

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